Cupertino City Hall
Cupertino City Hall was designed and built in 1965. The size is about 24,140 square-foot (indicated here). It doesn't meet the current building standards. Please see here for more information. We need to do something to make it meet current standards.
There are three options according to a 04/30/2019 report:
- Building new City Hall - $70.5M
- Renovated - $23M
- Minimum - $6.6M
Neighboring city Sunnyvale just built a new 120,000 square-foot City Hall. And the first phase cost was about $315M (see here). So the per square-foot cost is about $2625.
On 11/15/2022, Cupertino City Council directed the staff to include the City Hall Renovation with $27.5M to next FY budget (see here).
On 02/11/2023, the new City Council preferred a new 80,000 square-foot City Hall. If we take the Sunnyvale new City Hall's per square-foot cost number, the cost would be $210M, which is much more than proposed $70.5M.
New City Hall was included in the FY 2023-24 five year plan for CIP.
Given Cupertino is in a budget crisis, which option for the City Hall do you think Cupertino should take?
City Hall appeared on the agenda of 10/17/2023 as item 7: "Direct staff to pursue conceptual development of a mixed used Public Private Partnership for City Hall and the Sports Center properties".