To Democracy 2.0!
My name is Long Jiao. I am a Software Engineer and fist generation immigrant. I have had no political experience before. Please contact me if you can provide any help.
I am running for State Assembly of AD 26. Ask me anything @
AD 26 comprises of Alviso, Cupertino, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and some part of San Jose. Please see for detail.
I will run as a Democrat.
My plan is to upgrade the Democracy we are practicing without violating or changing existing laws.
I call current Democracy 1.0. Democracy 1.0 is a wholesale deal. Voters elect representatives to fully represent them in the Legislature. In theory, representatives can vote however they want.
Democracy 1.0 causes problems in theory and in reality.
There are only four ways of spending money:
- You spend your own money on yourself. Our everyday life falls in this model. And it's the most efficient way of spending money.
- You spend your own money on someone else. Think of giving gifts for a coworker's baby shower. You tend to not care about the gift, with staying under the budget being your main concern.
- You spend someone else's money on yourself. This can be legal. For example, if you're on a business trip, your company can compensate for meals. You tend to spend as close to the limit as possible.
- You spend someone else's money on someone else. You tend to not care about how much you spend and how the money is spent. Unfortunately, our Government falls in this model in Democracy 1.0.
The case is not only limited to money, but to everything, like natural resources and even the safety of the society. Even worse, representatives are trying to convert some resources from Model 4 to Model 3, which is they can benefit from the resources they control for all the people. That's why most people think their representatives are out of touch and even corrupted.
In my opinion, people chose Democracy 1.0 with representatives due to technical limitations. In the past, the only way people were able to communicate efficiently is to come together so they can hear each other directly.
But times have changed. With the Internet, people can freely discuss issues online at any time and any place.
My platform is that I have two promises.
- Once elected, I'll post all the bills I am going to vote on in advance so people may deliberate them. Voters in my district can vote on each bill after deliberations. I'll provide a platform for discussion and voting.
- My official vote will always go with the result of the voters in my district. I will faithfully represent voters in my district.
I have my own opinion on everything, but my opinion isn't more important than a regular voter in my district. I'll accept the results if it doesn't go my way.
I call candidates or representatives who made these two promises as Democracy 2.0 candidates or representatives. Democracy 2.0 is a retail deal. People can get involved in any topic they are interested while leave those they are not interested in to their representatives and neighbors.
In this way, people become the de-facto law makers. All the voters together can be considered as all the people. All the people control how to spend our tax dollars on all the people, how to deal with the environment they live in for all the people. As a result, the legislative branch becomes Model 1: The people spend their tax dollars on themselves. (Please replace tax dollars to other resources.) This is the most efficient model in economics.
Democracy 2.0 can apply to any level of the legislative branch, no matter if they are School Districts, City Councils, State Assemblies and Senates, or the Congress.
It will also be the first time to fulfill an American dream: the Government should be of the people, for the people and by the people.
If you are tired of partisan politics, vote for Democracy 2.0 candidates. If you are tired of special interest controlled representatives, vote for Democracy 2.0 candidates. If you know our current system need to change, but don't know how to change it, Democracy 2.0 is the answer for you. If your favorite candidates are not yet Democracy 2.0, demand them to be one.
Now let's start to upgrade our society.
Together let's upgrade to Democracy 2.0!