The mission of Pofetl is to upgrade our society to Democracy 2.0!
Our current representative democracy is Democracy 1.0. After a representative is elected, voters have almost no control over their representatives. In theory, representatives can vote however they want.
Democracy 2.0 means that representatives fully represent voters in their districts. For each bill, voters in districts will deliberate and vote after deliberation. Their representatives will faithfully follow the voting results in their districts, being Pofetl Compliant.
Democracy 1.0 is a compromise due to technical limitations. In order to have discussions, people had to come together in a common area. Democracy 1.0 had to use representatives instead of voters to form a legislature.
With the Internet and the technology of Pofetl, all voters can discuss problems at any time, in any place, and they can cast verifiable votes freely. This makes Democracy 2.0 possible.
Democracy 1.0 has failed from theory to reality. There are four ways to spend money. In Democracy 1.0, representatives spend tax dollars on other people, or model 4. That's why the representatives are so out of touch -- the economic model determines they don't care. Even worse, they have the desire to convert part of model 4 to model 3, so that they benefit from spending tax dollars. This is corruption.
The same applies to other government controlled resources, like safety and natural resources, etc.
But in Democracy 2.0, voters become the de facto legislature branch, which controls the resources shared by all the people. The economic model becomes model 1, that is, the people spend their own money on themselves, which is the most efficient way of spending.
The American Dream about the government is that the government is of the people, by the people and for the people. With Democracy 2.0, this American Dream will become true for the first time.